Carpet Cleaning Tips by Home Cleaning Service Experts

Mamoona Naseer
3 min readDec 11, 2020

You can’t enjoy the real essence of the home without having carpet flooring especially when you are from the Middle East. The love of Arabs for carpets and Kehwa isn’t a secret and they never hesitate to invest considerable money in an expensive carpet. Seeing an expensive carpet getting dirty is probably the last thing one wants as it doesn’t only harm the quality of the carpet but also poses several health risks to inhabitants. To enjoy the actual comfort, ease, and coziness of the carpet, you can opt for the following carpet cleaning tips suggested by home cleaning service Riyadh experts.

Avoid Rubbing the Carpet

It’s in our subconscious that rubbing will remove stains. We rub clothes, dishes, and dirty window panes to make them clean and shiny. However, the case is quite different for carpets. Rubbing a spillage liquid on the carpet leads the liquid to the lower layers of the carpet. Avoid applying pressure on the carpet and do consider the direction when blotting in. Blotting from inwards to outwards prevents liquid from spreading further.

Don’t Rub the Stain

Restore the Original Look with Vinegar

Vinegar is known for its cleaning benefits. High-traffic areas of carpets look dull and old. Take vinegar and an equal amount of water in a spray bottle and spray it on the dull-looking parts. Take a hairbrush and run it on the surface to loosen the fiber and get the original texture.

Carpet Cleaning Service Riyadh

Keep Carpet Clean with Baking Power

Baking soda is another amazing ingredient that helps you to combat oil stains and pet accidents. Moreover, it also maintains the freshness of the carpet by removing the unpleasant odor. Add a generous amount of baking soda to the stain and let it soak for a few minutes. Remove the baking soda with the help of a vacuum cleaner.

Get Rid of Sticky Gums with Ice

Removing gum is probably the most hectic task, but not anymore. Place an ice cube over the gum to make it stiff and remove it once it gets hard. Isn’t it easy?

Carpet Cleaning Service Riyadh

Hiring a professional home cleaning company is also a good idea which saves your energy and efforts. They bring chemicals and cleaning tools with them and complete the job within a few hours while giving a clean, fragrant, and well-textured carpet to you.

